Wow. What a change. As most of you probably know from our last post, we were moving back to Denver. 5 checked bags, 3 carryons, and 1 puppy later we arrived at DIA and it was all too real – our 13 month adventure was coming full circle. We can honestly say it ended way too fast. This wasn’t the plan, we weren’t supposed to be moving back… oh well, shit happens and you make the best of it.
Speaking of the best of it. We love Denver! What a great city it is! I must say, it is for sure a weird time here. We live pretty close to Coors Field and to have no fans at the games has been strange. Living downtown you expect people to be everywhere and lots of action, but in these strange days, it just isn’t like it was. It is also quiet down here because most everyone is working from home, the big office buildings are empty. With that, some of the businesses have closed as well. It is sad to see.
I know the real reason you all read this is to see what Bosco is up to these days. He has made a good transition. When we first got back to town, we stayed with our friend Andrea and her new puppy Griswold. Bosco kept his distance and when they were close, let Gris know who was really in charge. He has adapted to city living as well, he thinks he owns the whole block and acts tough whenever he see any other dogs. Bosco turns 14 on the 25th of October.
I guess that is it for now. Shannon’s job is going great and we have settled in. I will let you know if anything exciting happens… Pura Vida.